At John Woolley Ltd, we particularly like the fact that our office (admittedly small, but perfectly functional) is located right in the midst of the action at Salisbury Auction Centre. On Tuesdays, the buzz of meeting and greeting and the lively voices of the auctioneers are all around us, and scarcely any work gets done with clients, friends and enquirers popping in and out every five minutes.
So, when the festive season came to Netherhampton on Tuesday 30 November, and Southern Counties held their special Christmas Market, it was a wonderful opportunity for us at John Woolley to share in the fun and show our appreciation of those we work with and meet on market day. Tracey, our Business Manager, organized an open raffle for all comers (you had to hang your name on the JWL Christmas tree) with a hamper being the top prize; the whole JWL team were there and we enjoyed plenty of catch ups with market regulars while sampling homemade chocolate Christmas pudding chocolate truffles (difficult to describe, but they went down well).

For this lively and popular Christmas Market, Southern Counties had store cattle, pigs and sheep up for auction and at this time of year there are prizes to be won too. The Supreme Champion Prize for 2021 was won by Mr Simon Peace of Romsey for his Limousin x Heifer, born 10/04/20 and weighing 632 kilos. She was purchased by Will Edwards on behalf of R Owton Wholesale Butchers, Southampton for 556 pence or £3513.92.
