Wilton Great Fair this September drew about six thousand sheep which whilst a far cry from the old days still attracts a big crowd of buyers from many parts of the country.

With light rain showers passing through, farmers were pleased that their pastures were being refreshed with the moisture and were happy to have an opportunity to pause from the work at home, where autumn sowing is already well underway.

So plenty of excuses to come and see the sheep on offer, meet friends and acquaintances for their annual reunion and appreciate the good trade and high prices being achieved. The Mule 2 tooths (known as ‘theaves’ further north) dominated among the breeding sheep, but a good selection of minor breeds (Herdwicks, Wiltshire Horn, Jacobs and Black Welsh mountain) were there to catch the smallholder's eye.
The Fair also hosts the Annual Show and Sale of the Texel Breed Society.
